How to Know if a Narcissist Is Done with You

Out of fear, a narcissist will treat you like a burden. They undoubtedly worshipped you at first and put you on a pedestal, don’t you think? These days, it’s impossible to breathe close to them. It can be quite difficult to deal with their incessant negativity and anger because they seem to find your very presence annoying.

Why were they different? A narcissist begins to fear once you commit to the relationship. They choose to make you feel horrible because they are frightened you will realize who they truly are and abandon them.

They start arguments over unimportant issues.

Narcissists do this to make you feel uncomfortable and plant the seeds of hostility. Regardless of how insignificant the situation actually is, they will continue to act as though it is a major catastrophe. For instance, if you “filled the dishwasher wrong,” they might lose their minds and get violent. Conflicts are typically prolonged for as long as possible until you are utterly worn out.

During these disagreements, the narcissist will not only wrongly accuse you but also make excuses for their outbursts. It serves no use to debate or engage with them. They believe that you are mistaken and that they are correct; period.

They use you unfairly.

Why The Narcissist Hates You But Doesn’t Leave You

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