How The Covert Narcissist Fights Back

When the narcissist can not have their way or you’ve offended them in any way, they respond with their negative silence. Which entails a lot of sulking and hostility? It’s obvious they are mad but they insist they are fine and continue to ignore you and just send a lot of negative vibes your way. This technique is usually used to guilt-trip you into wanting to make them happy and responsive again. But more importantly, give in to what they want.

7 Things to Expect When the Narcissist Knows You Have Figured Them Out

The fifth one on the list is Deliberate Sabotage.

The covert narcissist is a slippery devil and when they know your plans or you unwittingly make them aware of your plans, they will try to sabotage you. And it is because they envy you and do not want you to succeed. So, if you are planning a party, for example, and they are supposed to bring the cake or the drinks, whatever it is…

You can be sure that the d-date will arrive and then at the last minute they are not able to do what they agreed to do or they cannot make it and you are left scrambling to sort things out. They will lade you with their fake apologies while smiling inside, knowing they have caused a bit of havoc in your life. And this can be applied to anything else you are trying to do, even if you are on a diet plan. They will be the ones constantly offering junk or wanting to take you out for a meal to get you to fall off your plan. Narcissists are very deliberate in their actions to ruin you and leave no stone unturned.

Another passive-aggressive behavior is gossiping.

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