How Narcissists Tell on Themselves

The hate, the envy, unfairness, and the backstabbing will be yours to witness firsthand. The complaints they have about other people are the same complaints they will have about you. Narcissists work in cycles of love-bombing and devaluing. And although no one is forever love-bombed, many are forever devalued in the eyes of the narcissist. So, pay attention to any new friendships or romantic relationships.

Pay attention to how they talk about others and how they view others. And don’t be fooled, as many narcissists tend to use humor to cover their malice. It is one of the narcissist’s techniques to belittle people and get others to laugh at them at the same time. Also, pay attention if they are very judgmental of others. Are they two-faced with others? Are they always victims, complaining about how others are unfair towards them? Because again, during the love-bombing phase, it is easy to just focus on how the person treats you and makes you feel.

It is a time when everything you say and do will be perfect, and it is easy to think it will always be that way. You may also persuade yourself that the people the narcissist gossips about, complains about, and is two-faced with deserve it. But remember that with such toxic people, it is only a matter of time before it is your turn and what you witness with how the narcissist treats others behind their back will one day be what they will be saying and doing to you behind your back. But that is it for today. Stay safe. Stay vigilant and have a blessed week, everyone.

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