How Do Narcissists Handle Rejection?

3. Twisting your mind:

When narcissists face rejection, their go-to move is twisting your mind like a pretzel. Instead of taking it in stride, they can’t handle that someone doesn’t see things their way. Narcissists struggle with people having different perspectives and experiences, so they can’t wrap their heads around it. When you reject them or disagree, to cope with this, they’ll try to convince you that you’re the one who misunderstood everything. It’s like they’re gaslighting you, making you doubt your sanity. They’ll do anything to avoid accepting that their worldview isn’t the only one out there.

4. Lashing out at you:

When narcissists feel rejected, they can’t handle it well at all. Instead of taking it calmly, they tend to lash out in anger. It’s like a defense mechanism because they can’t handle the hurt they feel inside. The reason rejection hits them so hard is that it threatens both their confidence and their fear of being abandoned. So, instead of dealing with it maturely, they might explode in anger, yell at you, or even call you mean names. It’s their way of trying to protect themselves from feeling hurt, but it’s not a healthy or pleasant way to handle things.

5. Launching smear campaigns against you:

One of the narcissist’s go-to strategies when facing rejection is launching smear campaigns against the person who rejected them. After you’ve turned them down, they might go on to spread rumors about you to people you both know. It’s a way for them to try and discredit you and make themselves feel better. They want to ruin your reputation and make you look bad. If someone spreads rumors about you, try to take the high road. Doing the same thing back to a narcissist can cause them to continue their smearing campaign, so do your best to ignore what they say about you.

Signs You Have Defeated The Narcissist

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