How Do Narcissists End Up Eventually?

As they age, narcissists often lose their sources of supply and can no longer acquire new ones. This leads to two possible states: narcissistic collapse, where they fall into a deep depression and isolation, or narcissistic hibernation, where they temporarily rest and strategize new ways to acquire supply. Narcissists might then use money or material possessions to regain supply or take on roles that grant them power and authority, like becoming religious or spiritual leaders.

Despite these efforts, most people eventually see through the narcissist and leave them, resulting in loneliness and misery in their later years. This was the fate of my grandfather, and I have heard similar stories from others. In summary, narcissists need supply and use various means to get it. Over time, as these methods fail, they either collapse or find new ways to regain power, but ultimately, they end up alone and suffering.

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