Early Warning Signs that the Narcissist Wishes To Return

The final warning sign that a narcissist is looking to come back is when they send a flying monkey. That flying monkey may be assigned to get information from you to take back to the narcissist or let you know something about the narcissist that may motivate you to reach out to the narcissist. The flying monkey may also try to convince you to put an end to the silence and make contact. But their role and mission are clear, and the best thing you can do is avoid that person. Because any friend of the narcissist should be no friend of yours.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, getting someone to break no contact is a major accomplishment for the narcissist and a sign that there is still some sort of emotional investment there that they can work with. So, if there is still an emotional investment or you are not yet recovered or strong enough, it is best to not entertain any of their attempts to contact you. Ignore and block any new means of communication that the narcissist has managed to use to reach you. Also, let those you love and trust know what is going on and that you still have no desire to make contact with this person. They may step in on your behalf to communicate this to the narcissist or just provide you with the emotional support that you need. But it is important to maintain your no-contact policy; it is important to remain silent and not feed the narcissist.  No response is usually the best response when it comes to dealing with narcissists.

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