8 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism – Why Narcissists Can Become So Evil?

7. The spirit of witchcraft.

It’s essential not to dismiss all forms of witchcraft as merely voodoo or black magic. Narcissists are, in fact, skilled manipulators, and they play a crucial role in inciting rebellion and witchcraft. As 1 Samuel 15:23 reminds us, the sin of rebellion is comparable to that of divination and arrogance. Many often associate this malevolent spirit with Jezebel due to her involvement with idolatry.

When encountering manipulative and rebellious individuals, recognize the link between narcissism and witchcraft. Keep this in mind as we explore ways to protect ourselves and maintain a strong relationship with God.

8. The spirit of fear.

Have you met someone who seems fearless and confident, but something feels off? This might be the work of the spirit of fear, which is often at the root of a narcissist’s behavior. However, this bravado is often a mask for deep-seated fear and insecurity. Despite their outward bravado, narcissists are often deeply fearful and insecure. They mask their inner fears with a facade of confidence, hoping to convince others of their strength. Consequently, they seek out vulnerable individuals to manipulate and control.

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