A Narcissist’s Daily Routine EXPLAINED

Once they’re done filling their tank with the morning supply, they then move on with their day, as you watched in that small video clip. Then begins the supply drill. They go towards their source of supply, those who go to offices, whatever their source is, they go towards it, that can be calling people, different sources of supply, or meeting people at the workplace and putting on a mask, becoming really nice, sweet, helpful, kind. Or if it is an over grandiose narcissist who has power, becoming extremely controlling, malignant, psychopathic, self-centered, empathy-less, and ruling people, putting people down, humiliating people, taking advantage of people’s innocence. Whatever their power is, whatever their mechanism is of manifesting their narcissistic persona, their whole day is spent interchanging these masks. With some people, they become really nice, with others, they’re extremely punitive, vindictive, malevolent, sadistic, spiteful, and disconnected. And some people get to see the victim side of them, those who can punish you. Let’s say, maybe it’s a family member of yours, and they have to become the victim in front of them. Why? Because then you will be victimized through proxy. Do you understand? And they’ll tell all the wrong things you have done to them, and they’ll talk about their suffering and pain that you have put them through, and then that family member, that friend will think, “Oh, you are such a monster for causing so much harm to your parent or to your friend or to your partner.”

Their entire day is spent in seeking validation, attention, admiration, adulation from others. They do not sit with themselves. People take rest. People are like, “I need me time. I’m just exhausted with this socializing and all. I need to take, have a cup of coffee, and I need to just close my eyes and sit.” A narcissist would die if they were to do this. Yes, they might have a lot of caffeine and so on, but they will never sit with themselves and say, “I need to close my eyes.” They don’t care if they close their eyes. They drift off to sleep very quickly because they can’t stay awake, think about themselves. They fall asleep very, very, very quickly. They do not reflect. They do not take anything into account that may trigger that self-analysis and scrutiny. Their favorite activity, gossiping, is their favorite activity. Activities of the day are gossiping, badmouthing people, lying, fighting, becoming the victim, showing that rage to those who are suppressed and oppressed and controlled by the narcissist or putting on that nice mask to portray an image of being the family man or of the family woman, whatever the label is, just to fool people.

Then comes the end of their day. When people go to sleep, when they put their head on the pillow, normally, thoughts start hitting them, thoughts of the past, guilt, shame, reflection. People think about what they did today and what they should have said, shouldn’t have said. Basically, a lot of self-scrutiny, self-assessment, self-analysis goes on, and that is how we improve. But these people, none of that is done, none of that happens. If that supply tummy is full, they’re off to bed. Two minutes and they’re gone. I think a couple of seconds only. Yet, there are some narcissists whose day begins the moment you try to fall asleep because this type doesn’t sleep at all. They don’t let you sleep. Then comes the torture and trauma. They don’t let you sleep. Sleep deprivation in a narcissistic relationship is a real thing. I have created multiple episodes on it. You can watch one by clicking the eye button above or the link in the description. They don’t let you fall asleep because they need that attention all the time. They need you to focus on them. They can’t live without validation, so they program you to not fall asleep because they will be needing you every moment. In the house, it has to happen their way. If you, by any chance, once in a blue moon, fall asleep, they will bang doors, they will drop utensils, they’ll do bizarre things to wake you up. They’ll try to have arguments and fights the moment they know you’re about to go to sleep. Sleep. They’ll bring up things. They’ll try to talk about something in the past without any consideration for the fact that you have a work day tomorrow. I used to wonder what fuels them. Everybody needs rest. But this kind, the narcissistic type that doesn’t sleep, doesn’t seem to be exhausted. Where do they get that energy from? Well, I have the answer. It is from you. They take that energy from you. There is a direct energy transfer that happens. Believe it or not, how else would they be able to survive? They don’t sleep at all. It’s worse than being a night owl. And then when the moment comes, when the night is wasted, they have had that fight, you are distraught, you feel torn apart, they restfully, peacefully go back to the thing they were doing, drinking maybe, watching online porn, or some of them may fall asleep. Isn’t that crazy? Isn’t that bizarre? Isn’t that evil? That is, in a nutshell, we can say, a narcissist’s routine is in no way similar to yours. Because your routine consists of creating peace with others, working for yourself, for others, cooking, cleaning, for yourself, for others, just basically living a normal life that is not chaotic. Who wants chaos in their life unless they’re a narcissist? The narcissist wants the opposite of it. They have to feed off others. They have to impact others. They have to abuse others. They have to influence and fool others. They have to become the victim. They have to begin their day with absolute chaos so that they can feel empowered because they battered their entire family psychologically. They’re crying, their entire day is ruined, and that made me happy. Oh my God, what can be better than that? What a pathetic way of living. What a pathetic way of existing.

5 Things You Love BUT Narcissists HATE

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