90% of Empaths Get Played by Narcissists Because of This!

Number 4: Empaths are quick to believe in a false self.

Empaths are sponges for the emotions of others and have seen people grow and change in front of their eyes before. The same goes for themselves, which is why a classic narcissist trick tends to work on empaths. The trick is known as the false self, and it is a role the narcissist takes on to gain the trust of those around them. Here they will pretend to care about hardships, give advice they don’t believe in, and in general start to behave in a way that in no way reflects their true self. Empaths, in particular, seem to get drawn into this little act, and they will start to open themselves up to the person as a result. When this happens and the empath has fallen into the trap, the narcissist will completely change up and start belittling and manipulating the empath instead. This sudden change can shake up the empath, who doesn’t really know how to escape a situation as uncomfortable as this. The false self is a very tricky tactic that most narcissists pull off regularly, and it takes clear boundaries to properly overcome. If you aren’t able to stand up for yourself, it is very hard to shake off this kind of behavior.

Number 3: A codependent mess.

The real reason that narcissists and empaths are drawn to one another is that they both gravitate towards codependent relationships. As messed up as it is when narcissists use others to feel better about themselves and get what they want, empaths are also sometimes guilty of this. Empaths like to be in relationships where they are able to help, and they often don’t feel useful unless

they are assisting their friend or partner with some kind of challenge. Because of this, empaths often prioritize the health and wellness of their partner over their own, and that can leave them feeling tired and overworked. In simple terms, the empath generally wants to give, and the narcissist generally wants to take, which is why relationships between the two almost never end well.

When the Empath Meets the Narcissist

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