top 8 Phrases to Shut Down the Narcissists/Toxic People

By saying that you are not agreeing with their viewpoint, by saying that you are not discrediting your own viewpoint, but you are releasing the urge, the need to somehow have the same viewpoint as the narcissist which will never happen.

When the narcissist name calls and they do, and they will some more covertly, some more overtly. When they say something that’s painful to you, you are such a selfish person ,all you think about is yourself, you are so cruel, you’re the one that’s causing all the problems, this family would be happy if it wasn’t for you. No matter what they’re projecting into you, no matter what they’re accusing you of. Rather, than step into that quicksand of trying to help them to see that that’s false.

 Remember, you don’t need their stamp of approval to hold on to your reality. So, an awesome statement to say “I’m sorry you feel that way” you are such an evil person. The narcissist says to me “I’m sorry you feel that way”

 I can’t tell you how empowering it is to answer a narcissist like that, because when you do that you are not absorbing their insult, you are recognizing that it is an insult because we’re not stupid right, but you’re noticing that it’s their thought and that it has nothing to do with how you see things.

When you say that “mom sorry you feel that way” you’re also helping your mind to see that it is not your responsibility to convince them of the truth. Especially, when you know that you could have all the evidence in the world, and they will never see the truth, they will run from the truth because they don’t really want the truth. When you accept that you say that statement “I’m sorry you feel that way” and you will feel so grounded.

5 Warning Signs To Recognize A Narcissist

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