8 Lies ALL Narcissists Tell

So, whatever goes wrong, it cannot be their fault. Narcissists often take responsibility for minor or related issues, often justifying their actions rather than taking full responsibility. They often justify their actions by stating that they did it due to certain circumstances, which can be seen as a valid explanation for their actions. This behavior is often a result of their ego and self-serving nature.

Somebody who doesn’t have the whole story might hear the justification because they’re really good at justifying things. Somebody might hear that justification and be on that narcissist’s side because, well, it can’t be their fault; they’re totally justified in doing the bad things they did. But when you’ve been around a narcissist long enough, this gets old really fast, and you might start to notice that you get irritated even when you see them doing this with other people because you know how satisfying it would be if this person ever just took responsibility for anything.

The third lies that all narcissists tell is, ‘It will get better.’

And unfortunately, if you’ve been there, and I’m going to guess you have, you know where this ends. And with a narcissist, it never gets better; it only gets worse. If they have devalued you, if they have discarded you, if they have used you as a punching bag, it’s going to be so much easier for them to do it in the future, and they will. But even before it gets to that point, you may notice some variation of this in what we call ‘future-faking.’

So, this is when a narcissist will promise you everything that you want. In a romantic relationship, the narcissist promises to work towards a goal of marriage and children, making the relationship close to it. They will always present a carrot, making the person unwilling to leave, even if things are bad. They’re going to get better, except they’re not.

Number 5, ‘I’m the most honest person’

Unfortunately, it kind of works unless you’ve encountered somebody like this before, and then you know that somebody who’s really honest doesn’t need to tell you how honest they are. But as people, we like to give other people the benefit of the doubt, and if somebody tells you they’re really honest, you want to believe them. It’s not until you get much deeper into the relationship that you realize how untrue this one really is. Even if the narcissist tries to avoid outright lies, they’re always going to have secrets. Narcissists always need supply. When you have a lot to hide, it’s difficult not to lie; you need to lie to keep those secrets, to keep those skeletons in the closet. Even when they aren’t outright lying to you, they might be omitting large chunks of information that would be really helpful for you to know.

The 6 lie is, ‘I’m going to change.

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