7 Reasons Why SILENCE is the Best Revenge for Narcissists

The silent treatment is the best revenge for narcissists because it will make narcissists feel they have lost power over control and manipulation. Narcissists like to be able to control other people by manipulating them into doing what they want. Manipulation and control may include getting people to feel sorry for them or making them feel guilty for hurting their feelings. 

Narcissists can be very manipulative people who have no feelings and do not care about anyone else’s feelings except their own. They only care about themselves and will always make sure that they look good no matter what the cost may be. They’ll try to make themselves seem like the only victim in this situation and use words like “I’m hurt” or “you hurt me” as weapons against other people.

 Narcissists are used to getting what they want when they want it. When someone gives them the silent treatment, they can no longer manipulate them. This can make narcissists feel powerless and upset, which is precisely what you want when trying to get back at them. The silent treatment can be the best revenge for narcissists because it’s a way to tell them that you have power over them, but if you give them the silent treatment, it will make them feel powerless and helpless.

 The silent treatment will make them feel unimportant. 

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