6 Weird Things You do When around a Narcissist

You spend a lot of time with your animals in their presence because it soothes and calms you. There is nothing wrong with spending time with your animals, but when you are around a narcissist, they are your only source of support. So, you go to them. For me, it was my chickens. As a child, I grew up around chickens. I got shamed for it, bullied for it, blamed for it, isolated for it, harassed for it, but they were my safe haven. After school, I would spend hours around them because I knew if I sat with my parents or spent some time, I would witness trauma, I would witness abuse, I would face criticism. So, I would quickly end up having a snack and leave and spend some time with them. This is not normal. You prefer animals over humans. The sad part is that they become extremely jealous when they see you loving your pets, and when they think, ‘Oh, these pets are getting more attention than what I deserve,’ that is when they become punitive, vindictive, and envious. What do they do eventually? They hurt your relationship with them, they hurt your pets, they scold you, they stop you from spending time, they give them off for adoption, they try to put them down, and sometimes successfully, they do so to hurt you. They don’t ask you, they don’t care about your consent whatsoever because they are only concerned about their emotions, and this pet or these pets, they become an obstacle in the narcissist’s way. It’s sad, but it is the reality.

3 You become afraid of putting on headphones.

You become afraid of putting on headphones or listening to music in a way that would block all other sounds. That makes you feel really afraid because then you block your threat awareness. You do not know where it is going to come from and when it will happen. So, what do you do or what happens is that you start hearing things which may be real or perceived, but you keep removing those AirPods, your headphones, to make sure everything is okay, to know if there is a fight going on, if it has erupted already, and you need to hide or you need to intervene. That makes it extremely difficult to relax. And as a result of this, a lot of survivors then have the superpower of listening. They can listen to the subtlest of sounds, sounds that most people don’t have, but they can. If you’re one of those, let me know in the comments.

8 Questions A Narcissist Simply Cannot Answer

4 You learn to dissociate from your emotions.

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