5 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

Another significant demonic spirit associated with narcissistic abuse is the enchantress spirit. This spirit capitalizes on the narcissist’s insatiable thirst for power, admiration, and strength. It cunningly convinces the narcissist that deceptive and manipulative behaviors are not only intelligent but also a source of personal gratification. The enchantress spirit thrives on the narcissist’s desires, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and self-aggrandizement.

Under the influence of the enchantress spirit, narcissists become skilled at using charm, seduction, and charisma to manipulate others. They become adept at weaving webs of deceit, drawing people into their orbit and then discarding them when they no longer serve their selfish purposes. This spirit fuels the narcissist’s ego and blinds them to the consequences of their actions, leading to profound emotional and psychological harm inflicted on their victims.

3 The Green-Eyed Demon:

The Eight Common Lies Told by Narcissists

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