3 Things God does to a Narcissist

So, what does God do? He lets them live in that utter state of dissatisfaction. And guess what? If you are dissatisfied with your life, you are never at peace, you do not know what joy is. Yes, they might seem to be happy with all the toys they play with, but their happiness is like a momentary high. It is a momentary high, and they seek novelty. They never get to experience stability; they never get to experience what it means to be loved genuinely, cared for. Yes, you did love and care for them, but they never received it. There is nothing in them, no agency that could have received it. And they are so unlucky because love is the biggest thing. Love is the emotion that has the highest frequency, highest vibration. If you can’t experience that, no amount of money or anything else will ever be able to make you feel fulfilled. They do not feel fulfillment; in other words, I can say they never get to experience Divine mercy. They never get to grow; they’re stuck in this stagnant vibrational frequency that always keeps them at the lower level of consciousness. They never expand; they never see the unity in diversity; they do not see the Divine around them. These are higher concepts but very important. They live like a parasite; they’re in a rat race, continuously running for the same thing, seeking the same thing, and just worse, their life is worse than that of an animal. They’re stuck in this survival state, predatory state, and they vanish away like that.

That is what God does to them. Other times, God brings them disgrace by exposing them. Narcissists like to think they are really intelligent; they can hide and conceal everything. But when God decides to expose them, all the information is brought to the surface, everything makes sense, dots are connected, and this narcissist’s falsely constructed web of lies and deceit is burned down. It just turns into ash, and they are completely exposed to the world, nowhere to go, no more supply to seek. And the only thing they do at that point is they collapse because every single way of being a narcissist is destroyed, and they struggle and suffer that way. The biggest punishment to a narcissist is being left alone with themselves because they can’t tolerate their own presence. That is what eventually happens with every narcissist, every single narcissist I know of, and I’m sure you know of as well. They are left alone because of their own doings, the way they treated their children, the people who loved them. Nobody wants to be with a cranky old person who just always has to complain and always has to put you down and be the biggest martyr while you’re trying everything in your capacity to help them. Of course not. So, they’re left on their own with their miserable self, which then burns them further and makes their narcissism worse than ever.

Even after passing away, their soul never finds a place to rest. If you believe in realms, then they settle in the lowest of the realms. If you believe in rebirth, then they take a birth probably as an animal or something else because they never deserve to be a human being. If you believe in the afterlife, then their afterlife is in hell. They are punished for their deeds. So, in a nutshell, what I’m trying to say is it is never happy for them. There is no happy ending to a narcissist. One way or the other, they are made to face the consequences, and they at that time can’t escape them. They are made to suffer not because God is cruel and wants to punish them like that. No, their own actions, their own karma, they are facing at the moment, and that is what they are destined to face always.

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