10 Things That Confirm Someone Is Surely A Narcissist

Number 3: They lack empathy.

This can be difficult to detect because narcissists are often charming and charismatic. Still, the real key is to pay attention to how much they appear to care about you. Narcissists have difficulty connecting with others because they are uninterested in other people’s opinions or feelings. They are only concerned with what makes them appear attractive to others. Because narcissists do not require other people’s feelings, they frequently see nothing wrong with doing things that hurt others. Empathy is understanding and relating to another person’s feelings and emotions. Narcissists lack this ability entirely. They have no empathy because they don’t feel emotions like we do. This means that even if you’re going through something difficult, your narcissist will probably not sympathize with you or be able to truly understand what it’s like for you.

Number 4: They Never Apologize

One of the signs that someone is a narcissist is that they never apologize. Narcissists are known for their lack of empathy, and one of the ways they show it is by never apologizing for anything. A narcissist is incapable of feeling remorse for their actions, so they’ll never apologize for them. If you catch them doing something and they get caught, they’ll probably just deny it and blame you, even if they’re the ones who did it. Narcissists are so focused on themselves that they can’t see how their actions affect others. They never apologize because they don’t believe they’ve done anything wrong. If you meet someone new and they refuse to say sorry when they hurt your feelings or do something inconsiderate, pay attention. They might just be narcissists.

Number 5: They Think They’re Right About Everything

Narcissists think they’re always right, and they’ll tell you whether or not it’s appropriate to do so. If you try to tell them otherwise, they’ll just shrug it off and pretend like you’re wrong and they’re right. If you make them aware of something untrue, they will deny it and try to turn the tables on you. They’ll accuse you of being the problem, not them. Narcissists can be extremely stubborn. They want to be correct, so they’ll argue with anyone who disagrees, even if it makes no sense. They’ll argue with you about everything, from what movie you should see to whether it’s appropriate to wear socks. It doesn’t matter if you have evidence or facts to support your argument; they will still disagree with you, even if it makes no sense.

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