10 Things Narcissists Want To Do To You In The End

Narcissists want to be the center of your attention

Narcissists want to be the center of your attention, they want you to focus on them and what they’re doing, and they want you to feel like you can’t get enough of them. Narcissists Crave Your admiration and praise, and can’t stand it when you show any signs of Independence or self-sufficiency. Suppose you don’t give him the attention they want, in that case narcissists will push you by ensuring that you know that not giving them attention, is a sign of disloyalty or disrespect. This can come in many forms: belittling your accomplishments, undermining your self-esteem, gaslighting, making you feel like things aren’t real, breaking up with you and so on.

Narcissists want to feel better by making you feel worse

Narcissists have a deep-seated need to feel better about themselves, they do this by making you feel worse about yourself. Narcissists want you to be the object of all their rage, anger, and frustration. It’s all about them and never about you, they do not care about you, and they do not care about your feelings. Narcissists are only concerned with how they feel and how you can make them feel better. Narcissists love the attention they get when they put you down, and they’ll do whatever it takes to keep it up. They don’t care if they hurt your feelings, they just want to make sure that you’re paying attention to them. Narcissists will take advantage of any opportunity to make you look like the wrong person, so they can look better.

 Narcissists want to manipulate you and use your emotions against you

Narcissists want to manipulate you and use their emotions against you, they want to know what makes you tick and feel happy, sad, angry, or jealous. Narcissists want to know what makes you feel vulnerable and weak. So, they can use that information against you in the future. They want to know everything about you, so they can use it against you later. Narcissists are tricky, narcissists want all of your energy, whether good, bad, or ugly, because they feed off of it. If you feel sorry for them, they will take advantage of that pity to get what they want from you, maybe money or attention. They’re always looking for ways to manipulate and use your emotions against you, so being alert and staying on top of their game is vital.

A very wonderful book: Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers 

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