10 Reasons Why Narcissists Can Never Control You

3. You are independent and resourceful.

Narcissists don’t like strong and independent people; they want to control you and can only do that if you’re unable to think for yourself or are afraid of them. They will try to make you feel like a helpless child who needs them to take care of everything. Narcissists want people who will rely on them for everything and don’t want their victims to ever leave their side. But if you can take care of yourself and your needs without relying on anyone else, narcissists won’t be able to control you.

4. You surround yourself with people who love and support you unconditionally.

One of the most critical signs that a narcissist can never control you is that you surround yourself with people who love and support you unconditionally. You may have been led to believe by the narcissist that everyone is out to get you, but that’s not true. Narcissists are very good at pushing people away, so it’s easy to get caught up believing them. There’s a good chance they’ll try to convince you that your friends and family don’t care about you as they do. But if someone truly cares about you, they won’t ask for anything in return; they’ll just care because they love you. That kind of love can never be coerced or manipulated by another person. If someone truly cares about you, they’ll be there through thick and thin, even when it makes their lives more difficult. And if anyone tries to convince you otherwise, that’s a narcissist, and you’re right; they’re trying to control you.

5. You make choices that are right for you.

If you’re making the right choices for yourself, you don’t have to worry about a narcissist controlling you. Narcissists want to control everything around them and get angry and frustrated when people don’t want to do what they want or act how they want. If you’re living your life how you want to live it, then there’s nothing for them to control. They can’t manipulate you into doing what they want because they can’t make choices for themselves either. Narcissists will try to convince you that your choices are wrong or selfish, but the truth is that narcissists don’t care about what’s good for others; they only care about themselves. Narcissists will not be happy if you make choices that don’t benefit them; they’ll try to manipulate you into thinking your choices will help them, but they will only hurt you.

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