You have already DEFEATED the Narcissist

You may have faced trauma, people walking over you, taking advantage of your kindness, but that doesn’t make you the problem. The narcissist made you think you are the problem. Your qualities are genuinely good, and you are needed in the world. The narcissist may gain temporary pleasures by bringing others down, but in the long run, they fail. You have a chance at healing, while they face consequences for their actions.

You always had an upper hand because you are more mature than them. They are like a two-year-old stuck in an 80-year-old body. You are way more mature, and you invited trauma not because of a curse but because you were with the wrong person. Forgiving yourself is essential; you had zero control over the situation. You didn’t ask for the manipulation; it just happened. You are not to blame.

Why narcissists don’t like SICK PEOPLE

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