Why does a Narcissist Avoids Eye Contact with You?

They take pleasure in your pain, which is the biggest reason why you should never go back and try to revive the relationship. There’s no one to bring back to life. Now, let’s talk about the second thing: they do not form connections or attachments with other people. They were never connected with you; you fell in love with an illusion. You need to deeply understand that to set yourself free.

As a child, the narcissist chose the easier way, which was to eliminate all emotions that could make them feel vulnerable. One of the things they got rid of was emotional dependency on others. They became avoidant and their nature became that of a predator, never getting attached to its prey. They are in a relationship with you only to feed off you and extract supply. That is their only purpose. As difficult as that might be to accept, you must understand that to become more objective about the situation.

Narcissists have zero empathy for your emotions and suffering. They want you to keep defending yourself, justifying your actions, and explaining why they should give you and the relationship a chance. This keeps you in a loop and provides them with negative fuel, which is a combination of heavy emotions like anger, frustration, and resentment. They enjoy it when you scream; it’s their game.

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