Why Do Narcissists Get Married?

Therefore, having a lifetime person available to feel the role of the person to blame for everything that goes wrong is incredibly important to the narcissists, because God knows they won’t ever take accountability for anything negative. So little does this spouse know that after they are married they will be blamed for literally every single thing that goes wrong in this marriage, doesn’t matter if the spouse had absolutely nothing to do with it, and all the evidence proves the narcissist is a guilty party, they will twist, turn, and manipulate the late truth in such a way that completely blames their spouse. The spouse is used to blaming, ridiculing, badmouthing, humiliating, and flat-out abusing the other for anything that goes wrong.

Need for a slave

Next, one of the main reasons that narcissists get married is to have a “slave”—someone they can demand do everything that the narcissist wants—someone who is used for sexual gratification whenever and however the narcissist wants. someone available to The Narcissist at any moment for them to rage at and degrade, humiliate, ridicule, and abuse when they are out in the ‘real world” and someone gives them a narcissistic injury. Remember, narcissists have an extremely fragile ego that is incredibly vulnerable to any offense, slight, or disrespect of another person; this could be a real insult or completely imaginary.

However, narcissists cannot rage out in public, but when they get a narcissistic injury, that will be followed by a narcissistic rage. That’s how they emotionally regulate themselves; that’s how they feel better and soothe their injured egos—by abusing and projecting all of those deep feelings of inferiority onto someone else. And if you’re the spouse of a narcissist, that usually means “you” when they get home and are secluded from all the eyes and judgments of the outside world; narcissists are very careful about when they abuse and who they abuse. and the abuse is usually reserved for his or her immediate family, namely “the spouse”.

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