When You Completely Cut Off The Narcissist (No Contact)

Some can go on to act unbothered and just try to secure other sources of supply. But they are thinking to themselves that you will come back around when you are ready. In their minds, you are just having a time out, but all will be well in time.

On the other hand, there are those narcissists who become obsessed and refuse straight out of the gate to let your absence slide. Some can succumb to their addictions and just lose the will to live. Others make it their life purpose to try and get you back or just make it impossible for you to move on. So, this can lead to them carrying out certain desperate acts, like creating fake social media accounts to make contact with you or stalking your every movement.

showing up at your house, your job, or places that you frequent. Because when a narcissist is not finished with someone or still competing with someone, they just need to know what is going on in their lives. So, even if they don’t speak to you, just knowing what you are up to and letting you know that they are lurking is important to them.

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