When The Narcissist Realizes They’ve Lost… YOU!

Now, things are starting to heat up, and the narcissist is beginning to see the truth that they’re really losing you. If you’re finding any of this helpful, go ahead and hit that like button. Here’s where you start to see the first evidence that the narcissist is unraveling. This is when they start spinning the narrative that you are the problem.

Let’s talk about the narcissist’s blame game. In a last-ditch effort to rewrite history their way, they’ll take zero accountability, no surprise. Instead, they’ll portray themselves as the victim who was wronged by your cruelty and betrayal. Never mind the years of subtle and overt put-downs that chipped away at your self-worth behind the palace walls. In the narcissist’s revised narrative, you used them for status, exploited their generosity at every turn, and eventually discarded them when they fulfilled their purpose.

Oh yes, this is when they start to paint you as the narcissist. If you don’t know what you’re dealing with, you might even start to believe it. But what they’re really doing here is weaponizing blame and false accusations to shield their battered ego from the harsh truth: they were never capable of having a healthy relationship in the first place. If you’re finding yourself in this place right now, stay grounded in your truth, even as the narcissist revises history. All of that is just evidence that their royal image is shattering. So don’t get involved; just sit back and let that false throne crumble.

Here’s a comment from one of you who got some vindication after dealing with this blame-shifting. It’s always nice to hear, isn’t it? So this commenter says, “In my case, the narcissist texted me to see how I was doing. Since he blamed me for his financial woes and so-called bad choices, I sent his words back to him as an answer. Six weeks later, I had the lottery. At one time in our relationship, he said he only knew one person to win the lottery. So from a ghost phone, I texted the winning ticket picks along with the words, ‘Now you know another one.’ May we all win the lottery after a relationship with a narcissist. You definitely walk away with the feeling like you deserve it, right?”

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