When The Narcissist Multiplies

 The Narcissist sees the family unit as a guaranteed source of supply that should remain when all else fails. Because when you share a child with a Narcissist No Contact is usually not an option. And even when the Narcissist is the one to disappear on you because part of you (meaning the child) is with them; you can never be at peace. They rob you of a relationship that you could have had with your child. They turn your own children against you. They would tell an endless amount of lies to get the child to side with them and view you as the enemy. And it is not just the Narcissistic Parent that would do this but the Narcissistic Grandparents as well. They would use their children and grandchildren to carry out their hurtful and manipulative deeds.

Through their toxic influence they create future Narcissists who go on to become husbands, wives and parents to the unsuspecting. As a result, the toxicity not just comes from the parent or grandparent but you later find out that a sibling, uncle or aunt is just as messed up and depraved. The web of toxicity spreads far and wide where it not just immediate family members but extended family members as well.

For the Narcissist, the family unit becomes a basic and essential source for Narcissistic Supply. Because Narcissists use the institution of family as their first point of access to reap up drama, pain and confusion. They create their own little haven that they can rule over. They hide behind the titles of mother, father etc. to conceal their deprave, selfish and evil nature. They take something that should be wholesome, safe and filled with love and change it into a prison void of love, sincerity and fairness. A house can never really be a home when a Narcissist is the overseer.

A very wonderful book: Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers 

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