When The Narcissist Knows You’re Done, This Is What Happens

Before we end today’s article, let’s summarize a little. When the ice has finally broken and you come to the realization that it’s time to move on from the narcissist, what happens next? The narcissist will try to regain your attention out of fear that, despite your newfound independence, you’ll still be fixated on them. Their pride is devastated by the realization that you now hold power, as they prefer to play the leading role in all relationships. The goal of the narcissist is to take control, but when they reach out to you and are turned down, it can be humbling and damaging to their self-esteem. An attachment disorder is what keeps them from moving on; they are unable to form healthy bonds and treat their partners as objects rather than human beings. As a result, they would do as they please and return expecting to be welcomed back with open arms, despite the harm they have caused. However, things don’t work this way; the damage remains, and it’s not as simple as welcoming them back without an explanation.

Narcissists struggle with accepting defeat and will do everything in their power to hold on to you once they know you are done. If they see that you are worth engaging with again, they will start the cycle of appreciation, depreciation, and eventual abandonment all over again. When you establish boundaries and cut ties, a narcissist may still try to reach out to you or keep tabs on you. It’s only when you take control of the situation and declare that the relationship is over that it will finally come to an end. A relationship with a narcissist goes through several stages, and discord is not the final one; it’s merely the final step in ending a connection. So, it’s crucial to establish limits and recognize when something is amiss. Nothing else is heard from the narcissist when you stop responding, but it’s essential to remember that it’s your decision to cut ties and take control of your life. So, hold your head high, lock it down with a pin, and know that you have made the right choice for yourself.

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