When the Empath Meets the Narcissist

Empaths are persons who are exceptionally sensitive to the emotions of those around them and have the ability to know what others are thinking and feeling. They are sensitive, caring, nurturing, generous, and big-hearted. They have outstanding emotional intelligence and are highly intuitive. They are the ideal friends, the ones who will always be there for you, listen to you, and care about you.

However, these characteristics can be taxing for empaths. They are experiencing what others are experiencing, they are experiencing the anguish, anxiety, and rage of their friends and loved ones. They struggle to create appropriate limits for themselves, are terrible at saying “no,” and are fiercely loyal, always putting others’ needs before of their own.

The finding of mirror neurons is one probable scientific explanation for why Empaths are so responsive. When we witness something that another person feels or experiences, a set of neurons in our brains fires up. These mirror neurons aid us in imitation learning. For example, we learn to speak and behave by imitating our parents and siblings while we are young. Mirror neurons gradually decrease in quantity as we become older, as their presence is most important for our survival as we mature. The Empaths, on the other hand, maintain their mirror neurons active far into adulthood.

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