When a narcissist sees you as being too strong, this is what they’ll do

And you can’t get any by trying to shape other people’s opinions of you. A narcissist will feel frightened by you if they’re unable to exert power over you, and when you make them feel threatened, they’ll react in the only manner they know: to protect their fragile self from you. That usually entails making efforts to manage others’ impressions and emotions about you preemptively. They will try to discredit, degrade, and demean you in every way they can.

However, this may have already begun well before you became aware of any issue. They are pretenders and they tell lies. They’re able to tell both white and black falsehoods with remarkable ease and without any sense of remorse or regret. They have no difficulty playing act, seeming like everything is fine while secretly spreading rumors about you behind your back. This is a common tactic employed by narcissistic siblings, other narcissistic family members, acquaintances, co-workers, exes, and partners, typically to hide their abusive connections with those people.

Ultimately, narcissists need to feel like they’re in a position of power over others. However, anyone on the destructive narcissism spectrum would find your strength and personal power to be highly troublesome, no matter how beautiful and enticing they may have seemed at the beginning of the relationship dynamic. Simply put, you won’t be easy to manage, dominate, deceive, or control since you’ll be too difficult or too hard to handle. And in truth, those who are deemed overly powerful by narcissists are actually independent thinkers who are not readily swayed by the views of others. They are self-actualized to the point where they can live their own lives free from the crap the narcissist usually brings to the table. And they exude assurance, boundaries, independence, and clarity.

Individuals who are capable of independent thought and action, who are in touch with their emotions and who have faith in their own judgment, are less likely to feel the need to constantly seek approval and validation from others and more likely to rely on their own good judgment and a solid sense of self-worth. This is obviously not the type of person the narcissist wants to have around to engage in sick games with.

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