What Makes a Narcissist Unable To Sleep

The second reason why a narcissist would be unable to sleep is when they are trying to secure a new supply. The narcissist is literally obsessed with their new target and invests a lot of time and energy to win them over. I remember when my husband kept me up on the phone all night on many nights. So, not only are they unable to sleep, but they also rob their new interest of sleep by bombarding them with text messages and phone calls through the night, first thing in the morning, and throughout the day, all because they “love” them so much and cannot spend a moment without them.

As you see, sleep deprivation for their victims starts at the beginning of the relationship and continues through it. The interesting thing is that when someone is sleep deprived, they cannot think straight. It could very well be intentional of the narcissist to do this so that the victim cannot clearly process exactly what they have gotten themselves into and who they are truly dealing with.

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