What Makes a Narcissist PANIC and Lose Control

Suffice it to say, hoovering you back into the abuse cycle means reigniting the idealization phase through love bombing, telling you what they know you want and need to hear in order to manipulate, dupe, and deceive you, pull you back into the abuse cycle. When their attempts to play this game are met with complete and utter silence, zero response, in other words, absolute no contact, they’ll panic and definitely lose control. So, when they’re reaching out, attempting to reconnect and hooverSou back in, what you already know is a painful and destructive abuse cycle, but this time they can’t get through, no matter what they do, no matter what they say or how hard they try, you’ve blocked them across all social media platforms and everywhere else. In fact, you’ve even gone so far as to tell anyone who might be a little minion or flying monkey or any type of little messenger or go-between that you’re not interested whatsoever. And you may make it clear that the door is closed permanently. And they realize they can’t get through. What you’re actually communicating to them is that they are, in fact, not the least bit interesting, not the least bit appealing, not attractive to you in any way whatsoever. In fact, they aren’t worthy or deserving of your time, energy, or attention. They don’t know what to do with that. And so panic sets in.

Another surefire way to send a narcissist into panic mode. Few things will make a destructive narcissist panic faster than having to deal with someone who has the capacity, the ability to say no or no thank you and mean it. Someone who has the confidence and strength, the personal power to stand their ground, back themselves, and follow through. Here’s the thing: No is a full sentence. There’s nothing more to say. And developing the ability to set healthy limits and boundaries with the toxic or otherwise difficult people in our lives is something we all need to know how to do. Unfortunately, this is a skill set that few of us have learned and an absolute necessity if we want to live a happy, healthy, peaceful, and productive life. We have to learn how to say no and mean it. And if you’re questioning whether or not the difficult person in your life lands on the spectrum of destructive narcissism, there’s a very easy way to find out: set a boundary, a limit, say no. You’ll find out very quickly who you’re dealing with. Now, the tricky thing about this is avoiding inflicting unnecessary narcissistic injury and thus inciting narcissistic rage. You want them to understand that this is not a level playing field, you are no pushover, and toying with you is not going to end well for them. If you can communicate this effectively, great, but be sure you’re doing so from a position of strength. You’re not in a fragile, wounded, or vulnerable place yourself while you’re attempting to do this. You want to be sure you are strong enough to endure the backlash that will inevitably come your way. Remember, behind the mask and false bravado, people who land on the spectrum of destructive narcissism are frightened, insecure, fragile, shame-based little bullies. So they are incredibly vindictive and spiteful, and therefore there will be backlash when they can’t get their way with you. So be prepared for that, to weather the storm that’s coming. Now, the truth is, it may come in the form of character assassination through a classic smear campaign, because more often than not, that’s all the narcissist has. But depending on the circumstances, it could be worse. It fully depends on the individual you’re dealing with and to what degree you’re enmeshed in the toxic dynamic. The bottom line is, it is fully your job to do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself, protect yourself, to heal yourself. And when you’re focused on you, yourself, and your own well-being, whatever the narcissist gets up to doesn’t actually have to have anything to do with you. You can, and in my view must, learn to detach, hatch, and rise above it all. All of it. There really is no other way. You have to save yourself and let the narcissist run with whatever narrative they’re running with long enough that they eventually hang themselves with it. The truth has a funny way of making itself known sooner or later, especially when you’re focused on the right things. Just you. And on that note, last but certainly not least, if you want to make a narcissist panic in real-time, move on with your life and live your best life. Truly, this will get the job done better than anything. You taking your power back, disengaging entirely, doing your healing and recovery work for real, you stepping into your best life as your best self, literally reinventing yourself from the inside out, becoming emotionally healthy, whole, and healed, becoming professionally and financially strong, abundant, and sovereign, living a life filled with love, prosperity, and an abundance of all good things. All of this will be a testament to the fact that the narcissist has zero, and I do mean zero, power over you. No influence, no control, no power. You’ve moved on for real. You’ve grown beyond all the nonsense, the drama, and the trauma they bring to the table of the relationship, and you are truly free now, living your best life. I promise you, as far as payback, karma, and revenge are concerned, it’s as good as it gets. And you deserve at least that and so much more. It’s time now. And on that note, I’m going to call it a wrap. But before I go, you should know the Ascension class is open for enrollment now. This is for you if you’re ready and able to invest in yourself, you’re ready to shift your identity, master the law of attraction, heal your relationship with money, and put a full stop, end to the limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors that are holding you back and preventing you from living your best life.

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