Signs You Have Defeated The Narcissist

When Gaslighting Does Not Work Anymore:

When a narcissist can’t succeed in gaslighting you, you’ll be in for a dose of narcissistic rage. This is when their true colors come to light, the mask slips entirely, and you get to see the real deal—the reality of who and what you’re dealing with—as opposed to the false image and fake, phony persona they parade around with. You know you’ve defeated the narcissist when they cannot succeed in gaslighting you. They know it, and you know it, and they are none too happy about it.

Stalking Your Social Media Profiles:

They stalk your social media profiles for real, green with envy, little looky-loos. They can’t drop a like or a comment to endorse or support you in any way. No, they’re far too envious and stingy of spirit for that. But they do stalk; they scan all the socials like creepy little voyeurs peeping through your living room windows, thinking you don’t know it. It would actually be comical if it weren’t so sad. You know you’ve defeated the narcissist when you’re busy living your best life, walking off into the sunset and doing your thing, whatever it is you do best, happy as can be, while they seem to have nothing better to do with their time than stalk you on the interwebs. I’d call that a clear defeat.

10 Signs That A Narcissist Is Stalking You

Inundating Your Email or Direct Messages:

They inundate your email or direct messages, usually with idle threats, personal attacks, and insults—whatever they believe they can say to go directly for the jugular and inflict maximum injury. In other words, all manner of nonsense and insanity You really know you’ve defeated them when they spend the better part of 48 full freaking hours dialing and spewing non-stop until they finally have to surrender to the reality that, like it or not, the truth has been let loose and their insane reaction isn’t having the desired effect. They have lost control fully. So, again, speaking the truth is all it really takes to defeat a narcissist. Now, are they likely to lie through their teeth to their last dying breath, saying whatever it takes to discredit the truth speaker and assassinate their character in every possible way to anyone who will listen? Absolutely. And they may even get away with it for a decade or two. But here’s the thing about that: The truth speaker has the truth on their side. The lying narcissist is not, so who do you think wins in the end?

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