Top 5 Abuse Tactics Used By The Female Narcissist

Number five: The female narcissist loves to utilize gaslighting and projection against a victim to abuse and manipulate them. Of course, we all know narcissists utilize these tactics, and the female narcissist isn’t an exception to this rule. So, she is going to project the things that she is guilty of doing onto the victim, and she will insist that you are these things or that you are guilty of doing these things.

For example, she may accuse you of being a narcissist, or she may have cheated on you, but now she’s accusing you of cheating on her. On top of that, she will mix in some good old-fashioned gaslighting and tell you that your memory of said events is wrong, that’s not the way it happened, or maybe even try to convince you it didn’t happen at all. I have one client who caught his wife of 40 some odd years cheating, and she sent him a letter recently telling him that he must have her confused with some other girlfriend from his young adulthood. These two have been married over 40 years, and she is trying to gaslight him into believing he actually has her confused with someone from 40 plus years ago. Remember, as narcissists age, everything gets worse. The lies get more absurd and extreme, the gaslighting and projection – it all gets worse as they get older, and this includes the female narcissist.

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