This Will Make The Narcissist Obsessed With You

So, even when they choose to act unbothered and just move on to other sources of supply, that is to get a reaction out of you, whether it makes you angry or sad. That is what the narcissist wants. They want us to feel like crap. They indirectly try to hurt us with their actions by ensuring that we see them or hear about what they are up to. And this is why becoming unbothered or emotionally detached from a narcissist is so important, especially if no contact is not an option. So, when you discard the analysis first, it is important that you can establish no contact or at least be emotionally detached so that their antics do not affect you. Because you will become their obsession, you will be at the forefront of their minds, and every future supply will be compared to you. Thinking of you will either make the narcissist annoyed, angry, or even pity you.

When Will a Narcissist Leave You?

Another interesting point is that even if you decide to give the narcissist closure and tell them why you are leaving them, it will not make a difference because they will not take accountability and no reason would ever be good enough. In the mind of the narcissist, it will never be acceptable for anyone to decide to leave them. Only they should have that power, and that is why they will only try to convince you to come back so that they can be the ones to discard you later. It is all about control, but to conclude, discarding a narcissist first is a guaranteed way to make yourself unforgettable to a narcissist. Because the narcissist will not be able to stop thinking about you, they will be the ones ruminating and wishing that they should have or could have done this or that. One thing for sure is that in the mind of the narcissist, you will be the one that got away.

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