Things the NARCISSIST will NEVER give you

Do not have any delusions that the narcissist will ever truly care about your feelings or take your wishes into consideration. The narcissist considers one thing and one thing only in life, and that is themselves. So, if your wishes and desires happen to align with what the narcissist wants, then that’s a win for you. However, if your wishes and desires do not align with what the narcissist wants, I guarantee you that the narcissist will disregard your wishes without so much as a second thought. You will never be on the list of things that are important enough to actually take into consideration. So, if you decide you’re going to stay, just know that this is a fact and a reality that will never change.

Don’t ever expect the narcissist to respect you in any way.

They will not respect your feelings, your wishes, your desires, your needs, your values, or your ethics. They won’t even respect your time. They view other people as beneath them, less than them, or inferior. So, there is no respect in this equation. Respect is reserved for them and them alone. And if you are under the delusion that the narcissist will actually realize your value one day and that eventually they will respect you and your feelings in a manner that you’re deserving of, unfortunately, you are going to be very, very, very disappointed. They are never going to respect you, not in any way.

The narcissist is never going to validate you.

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