The 15 Signs You’re Emotionally Mature

5. You make room for your and other people’s vulnerabilities

As you mature, you realize friendship is not only about the good times but about creating space to be vulnerable, and you offer that space to others by sharing your own troubles as well as listening to theirs.

You’ll both feel less lonely and see past each other’s mistakes because you know they’re cries for help, not attacks. You respond with love when others show fragility, and you address your own as best as you can. This includes but isn’t limited to the small things like getting enough sleep, eating well, and not discussing big issues in a rush or moments of anger.

6. You take comfort not in delusion but in your ability to survive

One of my best friends once gave me a framed picture. It reads: “If Plan A doesn’t work, don’t worry. The alphabet has 25 more letters.”

Despite being fragile, humans are also incredibly resilient. Except death, everything is survivable. Trust in your ability to piece yourself back together. Trust that tomorrow can be a good day. Not all will go right, but what goes wrong can be fixed, learned from, or at least accepted. You will survive.

7. You forgive easily because you know life is not black and white

The world isn’t filled with good and bad people, just people. We all shine one day and then disappoint the next. Our environment greatly shapes our choices.

When others make bad decisions, look to their context, not their character. Are you out to get someone? Of course not. Neither is anyone else. Everyone is doing their best. Sometimes, it’s just not good enough.

When that happens, show people compassion, and give them the benefit of the doubt. It makes life less of a battle and more of an expedition.

8. You accept yourself for who you are and don’t overcompensate

You’re as easily swayed as anyone else by life’s unpredictable current. When you are, extend the same courtesy of compassion to yourself. Don’t punish yourself so much. Don’t get lost in your shortcomings.

We’re all fools but lovable fools nonetheless. Accept your inner child and don’t make every regretful decision into a mistake you have to fix. You’re okay. You always were. Welcome to Team Human.

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