The One Thing That Narcissists Will Always Do In Your Absence

If a narcissist cheats or even considers cheating their personality, you may notice them paying more attention to their appearance. Narcissists may also end their relationship with you in order to have sexual relations with another person. They will apologize and promise not to do it again in order to regain your trust. This is done to have a plausible explanation in case they are discovered.

Unfortunately, this occurs frequently, so the narcissist was able to exploit an opportunity for infidelity with the assurance that they could justify their actions easily. Their objective was to make the most of a difficult situation. This brings us to my third and final point. When faced with questioning, the narcissist will almost certainly attempt to rationalize their behavior. They have trouble separating their actions from their identity, so in order to defend themselves, they often twist the truth in their favor.

For example, if they cheated on you, they might refer to it as a “fling” or claim it happened because you were causing them problems. They would rather deceive you into accepting or forgiving their actions than confess the truth. It’s a common strategy for them to place the blame on you. Being betrayed in such a manner and being blamed for the cheating is a devastating experience. You may be accused of not caring for them or showing enough interest. It’s important to remember that the reasons behind a narcissist’s cheating have little to do with the reality of the relationship.

When Will a Narcissist Leave You?

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