The Dangerous Relationship Between A Narcissist and An Empath

What ends up happening is that the narcissist has the opportunity to exploit the empath’s need for love and becomes solely consumed with using the empath to get their own needs met and to exploit them in any way possible. Not only that, but because the narcissist has such a fragile ego and self-esteem underneath the false self, the narcissist usually repairs their fragile ego after experiencing a narcissistic injury by abusing, devaluing, and humiliating the empath. Thus, the cycles of abuse begin, with the narcissist fluctuating between love bombing cycles and devaluation and abuse cycles. This eventually manifests into a trauma bond, which is a literal addiction we develop to our abuser.

And because empaths tend to project how they think and feel onto everyone else, especially their loved ones, they adopt a deceptive narrative that tells them the narcissist is actually a good person deep down, but unfortunately has some bad days where they can become abusive. The empath wants to believe they can help heal the narcissist by loving them unconditionally and mistakenly believe this is a possible and logical outcome. This can result in the empath staying with a narcissist for years and years. Usually, the only hope the empath has of getting out of this relationship is if they are discarded by the narcissist, which is a blessing, even if the empath doesn’t know it at the time, or by becoming educated about the reality that they are involved with a human being who has a severe and permanent personality and character disorder.

They cannot be helped and will not ever change. In fact, with age, they usually get worse. Narcissists live parasitic lifestyles, and the true empath is the perfect host for them to suck the life out of indefinitely if we let them. This is one of the many reasons why education about this topic is so critically important. Hopefully, one day, all of society will be educated and aware that these people exist in the world, and they will protect themselves from ever getting involved with one of these people in the first place.

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