The Collapsed Narcissist Is Still Predatorial

Basically, as much as the narcissist’s downfall or collapse hurts their ego and gives rise to their inner shame, it can still be used as a trap. That is why you should never try to save a narcissist from a collapse. Never try to help a narcissist escape from a pit in which they have put themselves. I know it can be easier said than done. Because for those who have ever happened to be around a narcissist when they collapse, you will be aware that their sorrowful state can move you to intervene. It can move you to want to help them or save them.

Their fragility can cause anyone to have pity on them. But if you choose to help a narcissist out of that state, they will accept it with every fiber of their being. They will hold on to you for dear life. They will treat you at first with much humility. And they will keep playing the vulnerable card to gain as much of your trust and empathy as they can. But, as they recover, they regain strength and status. They will turn around and bite the hand that fed them, that helped them, and gave them the hope to carry on. They will come to despise you for seeing them at their weakest.

They will hate you for everything you have done for them. They will convince themselves that they do not need you. Because in the mind of the narcissist, their collapse will be something they try desperately to forget. It will not be something they want to associate with once their pride takes over again. So, they will convince themselves that you are the enemy who has used them and now they must break free of you and discard you.

 The mind of thenarcissistt alters situations to suit their needs. So, as much good as you do to anarcissistt will be rewarded with evil. And helping anarcissistt to rise again does not benefit anyone.The narcissist will turn on those who have attempted to assist them. But to conclud,  Anarcissistt’s collapse can act as awhirlwind,d sucking in people who are not secure in the knowledge that this broken person is anarcissistt or people who just genuinely want to help someone who is down.

In any case, it is these people who will provide the narcissist with the fuel they require to strengthen and rise again. But the narcissist But the narcissist will only reward them with evil. So, beware of the narcissist, even at their lowest point. Have you helped a narcissist escape rock bottom?


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