The 10 things a Narcissist Can Never Give You

The third thing Narcissists cannot give you is a sincere apology.

Narcissists are never wrong, and they never take accountability for their bad actions. They always choose to find a way to deny or justify what they do. No apology is ideal for the Narcissist. But even when they do apologize to appease someone, it is not from a place of sincerity. They are apologizing just to move things along. They are not sorry, and they do not care how much they may have hurt you. Narcissists would prefer it if we just acted like they never did anything wrong. They want us to not challenge them or hold them accountable. Therefore, no apology or an insincere, general apology is all you will ever get.

Narcissists NEVER Do These 10 Things for you

The fourth thing a Narcissist cannot give you is Stability.

Narcissistic relationships are anything but stable. Narcissists can be very moody, and the way they treat you is never consistent. Narcissists like to keep people on an emotional rollercoaster to keep them mentally and emotionally unstable. They do this to gain control of the person and the relationship. Therefore, you cannot feel secure in a relationship with a narcissist; they seem to intentionally want to keep you guessing where you stand with them.

The fifth thing a Narcissist cannot give you is support.

And I am not just talking about emotional support. I am talking about when you need someone to defend you or help you with something. You tend to have this expectation with a romantic partner, a friend, a parent, or another close family member. But when this partner, friend, parent, etc. is a narcissist, you get the opposite. Because not only do they not have your back, but some of them are willing to join with your haters to bring you down. Therefore, you cannot rely on a Narcissist because you will end up feeling alone, and you will definitely have to fight your battles alone.

10 things Narcissists will NEVER GET OVER With

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