What is the best revenge if you are being ghosted by someone?

I was ghosted by my ex. How do I achieve a closure, which I badly need?

The experience of being ghosted by an ex can be incredibly painful and leave you feeling confused and hurt. It’s important to take care of yourself during this time, find healthy ways to express your emotions, and ultimately achieve a sense of closure so that you can move on in a positive way.

First and foremost, give yourself permission to feel whatever emotions come up for you as a result of being ghosted—whether it be sadness, anger, confusion or something else entirely. Don’t shut down your feelings; instead allow yourself the space to process them fully. Writing is one great tool to do this—try keeping a journal where you can express those thoughts without judgement. Talking with a friend or professional therapist may also offer some peace of mind if there is someone safe who will listen without trying to “fix” the problem for you or offering too much advice.

It may also help to understand why your ex chose to ghost rather than remain in contact with you; there could have been any number of underlying factors at play that had nothing necessarily do with how they felt about you (lack of communication skills etc.). Knowing these reasons doesn’t mean that it wasn’t hurtful when it happened but it might give some clarity to their decision which in turn can bring some closure because it then becomes easier not take things personally.

Finally, recognize that while painful now bringing closure doesn’t mean getting over an ex quickly but rather slowly accepting what has happened and eventually finding peace moving forward without them in your life anymore–knowing they no longer have control over how good/bad/peaceful/painful etc we feel emotionally.. Doing simple activities like treating yourself kindly (long walks outside for example) listening music that brings comfort along with engaging in conversations with supportive people around us are all small steps towards healing from such emotional trauma brought upon by circumstances like being ‘ghosted’…

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