Remeber This When The Narcissist Returns… 5 Important Specifics

The final thing you must remember and apply is strong boundaries. If the narcissist cannot be avoided, establishing some firm boundaries and sticking to them will be necessary. But if you can banish them once more, then the power is in your hands to discard and block them by establishing zero contact. Because any opportunity you give the narcissist to communicate with you, they will milk it for what it is worth and use whatever tactics they can to convince you that they may have changed or that it might be worth giving them another chance. They do this through trying to love-bomb you, pretending they care about you or really missed you. But once you accept that there is no going back, you must reject the narcissist. They can keep their fake apologies, their love-bombing tactics, and carefully concocted lies, and crawl back to the hole they came from. The best thing you can do is keep that door shut.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, you need to remember who the narcissist really is and do everything in your power to keep them out of your life. They will only bring pain, drama, and confusion wherever they go. They only know how to disrupt your peace and blame you for everything that goes wrong in their life. They are too selfish and prideful to care about anyone or take accountability. You don’t need all that noise narcissists bring that upsets your emotional and mental balance. You have to silence the narcissist by pushing them out.

6 Sad Reasons Why the Narcissist Is Hoovering You After No Contact

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