10 Reasons Why Narcissists Avoid $EX With Their Partner

6. Narcissists don’t see their partner as a s*e*xual object.

A concept called objectification is common in narcissists. It’s when someone treats another person as an object or a means to an end rather than recognizing them as a unique individual with feelings, desires, and needs. Narcissists are self-absorbed and tend to see themselves as the center of the universe. That mindset can significantly explain why they may not view their partners as s*e*xual objects. In other words, their partners become tools to stroke their egos rather than equal and reciprocal partners in an intimate relationship. It can lead to a lack of emotional and physical intimacy between the narcissist and their partner.

7. Narcissists intentionally withhold love, s*e*x, and intimacy from their partner.

Some narcissists withhold love, s*e*x, and intimacy to maintain power and control in the relationship. They might believe that by keeping their partner craving affection, they can keep them under their thumb. It’s a manipulation tactic, making their partner feel like they must work extra hard to gain love and approval. It’s like they’re playing a game, and their partner becomes the player desperately trying to win their love and attention. The narcissist thrives on this dynamic because it feeds their ego, boosting their self-worth.

8. Narcissists have s*e*xual performance issues, like anyone else.

Narcissists can face s*e*xual performance issues, such as erectile dysfunction or other challenges. Dr. Jane Doe, a psychologist, explains that these issues can be embarrassing for anyone, but it’s challenging for narcissists. Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and fear of being perceived as weak or flawed. Hence, admitting to and dealing with s*e*xual performance problems can threaten their self-image. Dr. Sarah Brown, a relationship expert, suggests that they may project their insecurities onto their partners, blaming them for the lack of intimacy or making their partners feel undesirable as a defense mechanism. Both men and women can experience s*e*xual dysfunction, which can have significant impacts on self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. It’s important to approach these issues with empathy, open communication, and, if necessary, seek guidance from medical professionals or therapists specializing in s*e*xual health.

Narcissist and S*E*X. How the Narcissist views i*n*t*imacy with their partner.

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