5 Questions Narcissists Can’t Answer

They are protecting that with their lives. I mean, they have an enormous sense of shame, actually, because they have this fragile sense of self that they’re constantly trying to protect, and they want the world to think that they’re this person. So there’s this dichotomy that they’re constantly living in where there’s a scared, fragile little person that’s hidden somewhere deep inside, and on the outside, they want you to believe that they are strong and powerful or confident, or if it’s a covert narcissist, then it’s more like they are a victim maybe or that they’re kind, but there’s this underlay of rage. If you want to know more about covert narcissists,.

The next one is anything that involves how well they interact with others because they’re not great at interacting with others and they’re not great at maintaining friendships. If you’ve seen this, by the way, I want to see if you agree in the chat below that you’ve seen this before, but they’re not great at maintaining close friendships, intimacy, or anything like that. So they don’t want to be asked about how well they interact with others. So that’s the fifth thing.

Those are the five questions they can’t answer. Those are the five questions they can’t answer. Anything that involves the truth, anything that gives credit to anyone else, anything that involves them failing or losing, anything involving shame or vulnerability, or anything that involves how well they interact with others.

So, if you do ask them these questions, what will you see instead? You’ll see vague answers, you’ll see gas lighting, you’ll see lying and denying, and you’ll see projection. You’ll see blaming and shaming others. They’re going to want to throw you off the scent ’cause they want you to be uncertain, they want you to be unstable, and you will see this, especially in negotiations, because remember with the narcissist, you’re either for them or you’re against them. So, once they know that you’re no longer for them, then they’re going to go after you with guns blazing, and you’re going to become public enemy number one. And they want you to be unstable; they want you to be uncertain; they want you to think; they want you to believe that you don’t see what’s actually going on.

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