13 Phrases Narcissists Hate

Number 9: Please stop playing the victim. Playing the victim is a common manipulation tactic used by narcissists, and they will usually do this to make a person feel guilty so that they get what they want. The motive behind this behavior could be getting a favor from someone, keeping someone in an unhealthy relationship, or even just getting attention. As we have mentioned previously in this article, narcissists hate it when people expose their bad behavior and manipulation tactics. This, of course, extends to you asking them to stop playing the victim. You may even find that their damsel in distress facade turns into a nasty tantrum pretty quickly when you say this.

 Number 8: You are not listening to me. Narcissists usually love to talk and argue to get out of things they hate or get others to do something for them. As a result, they will likely do a lot of talking and not a lot of listening when they get really amped up about something. If you say the phrase “you are not listening to me” when talking to a narcissist, then it is likely that they will get pretty angry. This is especially true if they are upset about something already. As you can most likely expect from those with narcissistic tendencies, their reaction to this phrase will be even worse if you say it in front of an audience. By the way, if you’re finding this article valuable so far, then make sure to hit the like button for the YouTube algorithm and why not subscribe so you can keep learning more… it’s free.

Number 7: This is your fault. Now, telling anyone that something is their fault could potentially make them upset, especially if the problem is a big one or if it is not that person’s fault at all. In fact, narcissists will sometimes say this themselves as a way to guilt trip others for the bad things that happen in their lives. As a result, it is best to save this phrase for when a narcissist is claiming that something is your fault, but is actually the negative result of their own actions. After all, it is not your fault if a narcissist has burned all of their bridges from being rude or down right mean to people.

top 8 Phrases to Shut Down the Narcissists/Toxic People

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