Only a Super Empath Can Destroy A Narcissist, Here’s How

Narcissists thrive off any attention or reaction, whether it’s positive or negative. At Psychology Element, we will never recommend acting in this manner for fun or to actively hurt a narcissist. Only do it to escape them. If you’re in a situation where you feel it’s necessary, be sure to have a large support group who knows what is happening. This is also important in case they decide to engage in a smear campaign to isolate you from supportive people.

You want people who love you to know that they might hear lies or your words taken out of context to hurt you, but let them know in advance. Taking this lightly can result in damaging consequences if you’re not careful. You never know the dark ideas they might have in their minds. So, if you’re ready to hear how to destroy a narcissist with your empathetic powers, let’s get started.

Number one, their intuition can detect manipulations.

Empaths are very underestimated, especially super empaths. Their good-natured personalities and tendency to be over-trusting can make them seem naive, gullible, or incapable of standing up for themselves. It’s true, empaths can be naive and fall for lies because they see the best in everyone. This might get them into a tricky situation with a narcissist because their guards were down at the beginning. However, unlike people with lower empathy, they’re more intuitive and can see patterns developing much faster before they’re in too deep.

Super empaths can feel emotions and detect motives quickly. So, the moment an empath feels maliciousness, especially when it’s so far off from their natural state, they know something is wrong. Normally, a narcissist can’t keep their masks on for an extended period and tries to leave their partners dependent on them quickly. But the empath isn’t nearly as gullible as you might think. It might take them a while to realize the narcissist is lying to make them swoon over them, but as soon as their mask begins to slip, the empath catches on.

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