10 Reasons Why Narcissists Will Come Back To You

They want to get revenge on you.

Narcissists often return after someone has rejected them or hurt their feelings because they want to make that person pay for it. They might try to make up for their mistakes by doing something nice for you, but only so that they can get back at you for hurting them in the first place. Narcissists will not forget how you wronged them; they’re not going to let that go without making sure you know how angry they are by coming back after your relationship. Narcissists are incredibly vengeful people; they don’t like being rejected or ignored. So, they often look for ways to get back at the person who did it If you’ve dumped them, they’ll try to hurt you somehow. Narcissists may go out of their way to make your life difficult, or they might just spread rumors about you around your place or town.

They need your attention and validation.

Narcissists are empty shells of human beings with no real self-worth or value, so they constantly need validation from other people around them. The more you validate their feelings and the more attention you give them, the more likely they’ll be to stay in contact with you even after the breakup. Narcissists aren’t necessarily looking for a real connection with someone else; they want to feel important, like they matter and are being noticed. Narcissists are prone to self-doubt, which means they need constant reassurance from their partners.

They want to make sure that you still need them.

Narcissists are never done with the object of their affection; they will come back repeatedly just to ensure that you still need them. Once they’ve convinced you that they’re the only person who can make your life worth living. They must keep coming back and ensuring you’re still under their spell. Narcissists need to be needed by someone, and they don’t want to lose the person they’re dependent on. So, if they feel like you might not need them anymore or could get along fine without them, they’ll work hard to ensure you do.

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