Most Powerful Way to Know a Narcissist’s True Intentions

So, that you think you are a narcissist or the crazy person in all of this. Do you see how it works? If I say, ‘I promise I’ll change,’ I am saying, ‘I promise I will change you. I will make you a shell of who you are. I will drain every bit and piece of your resourcefulness. I’ll make sure you’re left with nothing financially, physically, emotionally. I will alienate you from your children. I will isolate you from your friends and family. I’ll change you in all ways. I will give you diseases. I’ll give you defects. I will destroy your nervous system. I will trigger autoimmune disorders. Yes, I will change you. I will change your life.

I’ll leave you with debt. I’ll throw you out of the house that you paid for. I will make the children think you caused this divorce so that they hate you and think I am the best daddy or the best mommy. I’ll demand money like I have earned it, like I have worked hard for it, like it’s all mine. I will pressurize you. I will slowly and subtly make you think there is something deeply wrong with you, with a smile on my face because I can be court as well in my approach if I want to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I want you to think you’re doing things to yourself and you’re making things up. I will destroy you with guilt. I’ll make you feel so guilty that you start cursing your existence. I’ll make you feel obligated towards me as if you owe me your life and you cannot live without me. You cannot leave me and you have to do everything that I say. Should you say no, I will say, ‘Oh my God, how could you do that to me after all I have done for you? I have kept a list of everything that I have ever done for you in my mind so that when the right time comes for it, I will count and I will guilt-trip you. I, narcissist, will fill fear in your body. I will fill your body with fear, the fear of what could happen if you were to leave me, the fear of how I will torture you and your children if you were to ever leave me, or subtly, the fear of abandonment that I will never ever look at you if you were to say no, if you were to leave, if you were to do what would help you to create some kind of boundary between us.

Why Narcissists Become SWEET when around Children

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