Marriage with a Narcissist is a Trap (How to escape it)

When you meet a narcissist whose real intention is to use you and throw you away, you develop a connection that feels unreal. The intensity is beyond comprehension. Everything is amazing—they look nice, act nice, and are the most pleasant person you have ever known. It feels like you have met your soulmate. This is quite common in all narcissistic relationships. However, what is very different with a narcissist who wants to get married quickly is that they want to speed everything up. They propose and then immediately want to have you in their life. They want to live with you, move in, get married, and become a permanent part of your life, at least that’s how they make it seem. But their real intentions are to get the benefits you have to offer.

Let’s say you have a lot of money and have worked hard to get to where you are in life, or you are influential, or you have something they don’t. The best way to get access to those things and get an unlimited supply is to get married. It’s as simple as that. It’s quite egocentric—it’s all about them. They do not marry you for the reasons they say they are marrying you. They marry you for all the benefits they will get from marrying you. Once you get married, that initial intensity slowly dies, and the devaluation begins. The things they once admired in you now become your faults. They are ashamed of introducing you to their friends. They don’t want to be around you because you’re too fat, too thin, too ugly for them—they are so much better than you. Every friend of theirs tells them this is not a right fit. They can’t stand you anymore because you’re too whiny, too cocky, too demanding, too clingy—everything becomes a problem. You get stuck in a cycle of trying to restore the relationship to what it was in the beginning. You keep chasing the breadcrumbs they throw at you, making leaving such a relationship extremely difficult and creating a bond of Herculean strength—a trauma bond.

You end up complying with their demands, but it’s still not enough. Like a parasite, they suck the life force out of you, using your money, your hard-earned savings, every resource you have collected over the years. They rise high in the sky but using your wings. Instead of being grateful, they belittle you. They leave your body like a shell. Marriage with a narcissist is the biggest scam ever.

Narcissist Has an Inner Demon That will Destroy You

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