It’s in the Narcissist’s Nature to Lie About Everything

Narcissists are all about appealing to our empathy to get us to react the way they want, even if it includes threatening self-harm. As I said before, narcissists will stoop to any level just to get their lies believed. But this takes me to the final tactic I have for you today, which is making someone feel guilty for not believing them. And to be honest, a feeling of guilt is something that can happen with any of the other previous 3 tactics I have gone through. But it can also include where the narcissist might talk about all the things they have done for you. or try to convince you that they have never lied to you or that all they have ever done is love you and support you. They may make outlandish statements, such as that they never tell lies and that they have only been honest with you. Or how to hurt they are that you could believe such horrendous things about them. They may also ask you questions like “Why don’t you trust them?”

The narcissist chooses to act offended and will even get into a rage, turning the tables on you as if they are the ones who should be hurt and angry instead of you. Basically, in one breath, they would be denying they did anything wrong while at the same time accusing you. making you the focus of the problem. You know, forget what you think they did wrong. Now it’s all about how dare you to think they did something wrong or how dare you to accuse them of lying.

Narcissists are extremists, and they will play the part of the victim very well. They always manage to find a way to turn the focus off of them being the perpetrators so that they can play the role of the victim. Because the narcissist will deflect when they are unable to project. But to conclude, the lies a narcissist tells are to protect themselves and even entertain themselves. Because when they are able to get people to believe their lies, they see it as some sort of accomplishment.

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