How to Shutdown a Narcissist Using STRICT Strategy

The fifth part of the strict strategy, C, stands for Challenge their narrative. While you should ignore their attempts to provoke you, you must also choose to speak up when necessary. Narcissists often spread blatant lies and claim to be perfect parents or partners. In such cases, you must challenge their narrative by pointing out facts and patterns of their behavior. Document every interaction and conversation, as this will help you compile evidence against them. Use this evidence to show they are not who they claim to be. If it’s a legal situation, bring up documented instances where they failed as a parent or partner. Proving their lies through facts can be crucial when others are involved or when it can lead to a positive outcome.

The sixth and final part of the strict strategy, T, stands for Take absolute control of your life. You have to heal, as mentioned earlier, but you also need to take control of the narrative. Narcissists want you to live in fear and shame. You must learn to present yourself confidently, especially around them. Work on your body language and communication style. Look them in the eye, stand firm, and show them you are not afraid. This does not mean becoming narcissistic yourself but demonstrating that you see through them and cannot be messed with. Release the fear they instill in you, and take control of your life. Work on your internal wounds and ensure you present yourself as the sane one in every situation. This will help others see through the narcissist’s manipulation and lies.

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