How to Know if a Narcissist Is Done with You

Before discarding you, a narcissist would take advantage of you in every manner conceivable. They’ll push your boundaries, ask for favors, borrow money, look for compliments or praise, drain your emotional energy, and do whatever else they can get away with. You are only a tool for the narcissist to utilize to further their own interests.

As soon as you become aware of this pattern of behavior, make every effort to say “no” to their requests.

Physical affection is withheld.

Before leaving you, a narcissist tries to leave you feeling undesired. Do they shun your touch and retreat when you extend a hand? Another common way a narcissist turns the tables on you is by withholding affection. They suddenly turn away from your contact, won’t kiss or embrace you, and reject you in bed. This behavior is motivated by control, as usual.

They say you cheated on them.

Narcissists could look for a “excuse” to end their relationship with you. Have they recently started to suspect you of betraying them? These charges are probably a deception used by the narcissist to explain the split. A narcissist has no trouble fabricating lies of this scale to justify their conduct because it’s crucial that the breakup be totally your fault.

Additionally, they can start spreading harmful rumors about you cheating on them or other people in an effort to diminish your worth and harm your reputation.

A very wonderful book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself (English Edition)

They try to fool you.

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